Community Book Pledge - Creative Day Care Limited


As solicitors, we at Bradley & Jefferies understand the value that books can bring to the lives of their readers. However, whilst this past year may have been challenging for a lot of us, the closure of public facilities throughout the pandemic has had a particularly significant effect on those in the community dependent on such public services.

Creative Day Care Limited is a Derby based organisation which provides day care services to adults with educational disabilities. Since the Covid-19 pandemic struck, the activities that the group has had access to have been severely affected and those the organisation supports have faced long periods of isolation from friends and their normal routines. The closing of local libraries has resulted in the group having very limited access to books which could otherwise play a key role in enhancing the individuals’ lives.

Here at Bradley & Jefferies Commercial Solicitors, with the assistance of Jade Field, Independent Usborne Organiser, we set out to raise funds to put together a small library of books for use by Creative Day Care’s group on a permanent basis.

We are proud to announce that, thanks to donations from the community, we have raised a total of £291.81 enabling us to acquire a collection of around 70 books which we know will be thoroughly loved and enjoyed by the individuals in Creative Day Care’s group and will go a long way to improving their daily experiences.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following businesses for the generous donations without whom we could not have achieved our goal:

•           Quill International Limited;

•           ASG Group;

•           Etwall Vets; and

•           GRM Development Solutions Limited.


Last week we had the privilege of meeting the wonderful individuals at Creative Day Care and presenting them with their new books. It was a joy to see them seeing the books for the first time and they are already enjoying getting to read and explore their collection.

With consent of all of those involved, we have taken a few photos of the occasion, which we would like to share with you all.

We would also like to thank Deborah Law, Director of Creative Day Care Limited, for giving us the opportunity to meet with her group and work with her on this project, and for the excellent work that she does with the individuals she supports.



This entry was posted on June 23, 2021